Discovery, Devastation and Dismay

MW-Strong-GoFundMeOn October 4, 2015, the Murraywood Board was notified that the Club had flooded.

Flood text

The Board all rushed up to the Club, and this is the devastation we saw:

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Many Board members were crying, and no one knew what to do. We knew we had flood insurance on the Clubhouse, the Bathhouse and the Pump House, but only for the structures themselves, not the contents. And flood insurance is not available for outdoor features such as pools and tennis courts.

A group of Board members returned later that afternoon; the water had receded considerably – it was just past the nets on Courts 3 and 4. Courts 1, 2, 7 and 8 were no longer under water but were covered with mud and debris. Part of our Gazebo was inside the Court 3 and 4 enclosure, having floated over the 10′ fences.

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Inside our buildings, all was in disarray. Refrigerators on their sides, furniture turned over, and everywhere, mud:

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Inside the shed, tennis balls were everywhere, even up on the rafters:

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The pool was a murky, muddy mess:

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Time to start cleaning up. Click here for Clean Up Story.