Lifeguard Application

MSRC is now accepting applications for lifeguards for Summer 2025. Applicants should be 16 years of age with a valid Red Cross Lifeguard Certification that does not expire before September 1, 2025. Preferential hiring will be given to Murraywood members in good standing (i.e., current dues paid); non-member applicants will only be considered if we do not have enough applicants from within our membership.

We will be offering Lifeguard Certification classes at Murraywood. Click the button below for the schedule.


For questions, contact the Pool Manager, Tim Carmody.

Click here for job description and pay rates.

Click here for W-4 form.

Applications are due Friday, April 11, 2025

Applicant Personal Data

Lifeguard Certification Information

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.


Availability: You MUST be available for 2 of the 3 following "big" pool days!

Awards, Distinctions and Honors

References: Please include name, phone number and relationship. Please note that no family member can be a reference.

Tell us about yourself

Press submit - it could take up to a minute to process