Despite the rain, on Saturday, February 11, 2023, 40+ intrepid Murraywood members and friend took part in the first annual Polar Plunge! Those who braved the chilly waters were cheered and then warmed with hot chocolate and hot dogs. What a great event!
Legends Tennis Tournament
Let’s Beautify Murraywood!
Hard Court Celebration!
Music Bingo and Pizza Party
Hard Court Fundraiser Donors – Thank You!
Fun at the Pool: Saturday, July 16, 11:30 am to 5:00 pm

Food will be Fajitas, Tacos, Quesadillas and Nachos cooked by our own Pool Social Committee!
And all day we’ll be playing vinyl records for your music enjoyment, so bring along your favorite vinyl albums!!
Fun starts at 11:30 and goes until 5:00!
Sponge Ball Tournament! Save the Date!
MW Swim Team Wins Most Participation In Kids Kick Cancer Fundraiser!
The award for Most Participation in Kids Kick Cancer goes to… ⚡️MURRAYWOOD⚡️! We are proud to be a part of a team/league that gives back! Shoutout to Coach William for raising $2,800 in sponsorships in addition to the $3,400 from our team donations! Columbia Swim League presented Camp Cole & Camp Kemo a check in the amount of $36,630.56. Thank you, MWST Families for showing up big for this great cause! ⚡️❤️🦈
Sharks Place 2nd in City Meet. Coach Eli Named COACH OF THE YEAR!!
Congratulations to the Murraywood Sharks who swam their little heart out this weekend and took 2nd in the city! And to Coach Eli, who was named the Columbia Swim League’s Coach of the Year. She’s coach of the year EVERY year to us – we are just glad it’s now official! Being Back in Blatt was just the BEST!