Now Hiring Lifeguards
It’s Renewal Time
The Latest Word From the Wood!
Thank You to All Food Drive Volunteers and Donors!
Renew USTA Membership before 12/31/20 to Save 50%
Holiday Food Drive Drop Off

Now Hiring Court Maintenance Employee

Tommy Rayfield is retiring! How we will miss him and the wonderful way he maintained our courts! We need to hire a new Court Maintenance Employee who can take over effective January 1, 2021. This is a flexible, part-time position, and training will be provided.
Full job description and instructions on how to apply can be found here:
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!

The Swim Team is selling boxes of Krispy Kreme doughnuts! This will accompany their virtual swim meet to be held on Thursday, July 16. Order now and prepay, and pick up your lovely boxes of Krispy Kreme doughnuts on Thursday morning at the pool before 11am. Go, Sharks!
Congratulations to Jenn Nehrbauer!
A HUGE SHOUT OUT to MSRC member Jenn Nehrbauer, who ran the Lake Murray Dam Run today and came in first place in her age group. You go girl!!!