Was the Rawls Creek Flooding Avoidable?

by Philip D. Watson, Ph.D.

Deep flooding along Rawls􏰀s Creek has ruined many homes in the Coldstream subdivision. The primary cause was, of course, the heavy rain over many days, but why was Rawls Creek so affected when Koon Creek, which runs into Rawls Creek near Bush River Road, was not?

It has been suggested that the release of water from the Lake Murray dam caused a backup of water but if that were true, Koon Creek would have backed up too.

Rawls-Creek-CulvertThere is good evidence that flooding was caused by the lack of capacity of culverts in a railroad embankment. The railroad that carries coal to the McMeekin power station at Lake Murray runs on a 30 foot high embankment that completely seals off the Rawl􏰀s Creek valley. It stretches from the grade crossing at Wilton Hill east to the tennis club at the end of Cedarbrook Drive. Rawl􏰀s Creek passes through two steel culverts in the embankment. These culverts are badly damaged. See the picture taken 10/13/2015. The steel lining is bent, significantly blocking the entrance of water. This damage might have been caused by the recent storm, or it might have been there before.

When the culverts cannot handle the flow, the water builds up on the upstream side creating a large lake. It was this lake that flooded the houses on Wilton Hill . From the water mark on the bath house at the Murraywood Swim and Racquet club, it can be shown that water level of this lake reached 204􏰁 above sea level. On the downstream side of the embankment, the water almost reached the height of Bush River Road which is 189􏰀 above sea level. This 15􏰀 foot difference clearly indicates the flooding was caused by the restriction to flow at the culverts, not by water backing up from the river.

A similar flood occurred in 1987. What can be done to prevent a third flood with the next hurricane? In the short run, the culverts must be repaired and soon. With the folded steel across the entrance, the culverts are very prone to more complete blocking by tree limbs and debris and this would cause even deeper flooding.

It is reasonable to ask when the culvert was last inspected and who is responsible. It could be CSX, SCANA or Lexington County who has this responsibility.

In the long run, removing part of the embankment would be a more reliable solution. When McMeekin switches from coal to natural gas fuel in 2016, will SCE & G still need the railroad and the embankment? If not, the obstruction to Rawl􏰀s Creek can be removed and future flooding prevented.

Clay Courts Scheduled for Re-surfacing!

MW-Strong-GoFundMeGreat news! Howard B. Jones will start the clay court re-surfacing on Monday, November 2, 2015! With luck and good weather, the job will be completed in about a week!

Har-Tru-Surfaces-21Many thanks to Sean and Tommy who’ve met with the HBJ representative several times, and really pressed to have the work done quickly. Also, thanks to Roy Gum who personally called Frank Larkin (his former doubles partner) to ask for special consideration for Murraywood. Thank you to Justin Coker, Frank Larkin and everyone at Howard B. Jones for realizing the urgency to have our courts back up and running.

And lastly, a shout out to our wonderful community, to the folks who’ve come out and helped us clean debris, to the folks who’ve donated money for repairs and to the other facilities who opened their doors to our tennis players.

Memorial Day Cookout Was Glorious!

The weather was wonderful, and our members and guests seemed to really enjoy the burgers and dogs. We couldn’t grill ’em fast enough! Many thanks to the hard-working team that ran the grill: Tony Reynolds, Bob Hawsey, Doug Smith, Brad Hawkins, and Tom Keckeisen. And Walter George oversaw quality control by sampling several of the products right off the grill. We couldn’t have done it without you guys! Thank you!

And many thanks to our Membership Committee, Katherine Keckeisen and Mary Ann Lane, who manned the front desk all day. And to Katherine again for taking these awesome photos. Summer is here!!!

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News From the Pool!

Everyone is anxiously awaiting news about the pool, and here it is!

Important links:
Pool Calendar for Summer 2015
Pool Rules

We will open at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, May 22nd and remain open through 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 25th, Memorial Day. Like last year, we will be having a Member-Guest Cookout on Saturday, May 23rd. Members can bring guests at no charger, and the traditional Murraywood Cookout fare will be served at 1:00 p.m. Guests and members must pay to eat, but no entrance guest fee will be charged. Like always, the $5 per person, $20 per family fee will make it easy and affordable to eat.

We have been super busy doing deck repairs. This old pool is definitely showing some signs of age. However, we are very lucky to have Louis and Sue Biles, our swim coaches, who are knowledgeable and helpful, and are assisting in all maintenance areas. Yay!

Re-strapping chairs continues as well.

Family Movie Night in the Pool will be held on Saturday, June 13th. The movie to be presented has yet to be selected. We are putting together a focus group of youngsters who will be picking the movie title. The focus groups will meet on Sunday, May 17, and we will announce the movie on Monday, May 18th.

Save the Date! Casino Night, March 27!

Craps-TableJoin us in the Clubhouse on Friday, March 27th for our annual Casino Night. It starts at 7:00 p.m. and runs until 10:30 p.m., at which time you can turn in your chips for chances to win prizes. This year, two top prizes of a $150 membership credit will be awarded!

Admission is $15 per person, and includes two drink tickets, chips for the games and snacks.

Spaghetti Supper Tonight! Don’t Cook!!

Come on out to Murraywood tonight for our annual spaghetti supper.  Starting 6:00 p.m., enjoy homecooked spaghetti, bread, salad, desserts, beverages (including wine) for just $10 per person over the age of 12.  Ages 6 to 12 eat for $5 per person, and little 5 and under eat FREE!  And, we do the dishes! What could be better?

All proceeds go to Club improvements.

Fall Junior Tennis Clinics

JadenThe schedule for beginner and advanced beginner junior tennis clinics is listed below.  Contact Anne Reynolds if you have questions:  (803) 429-3031.

8 and Under Beginner Tennis
Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
$10 per day for Facility and Tennis Members; $15 per day for Pool and Non-Members

9 and Older Intermediate
Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
$10 per day for Facility and Tennis Members; $15 per day for Pool and Non-Members


Mark Your Calendars!

It’s time to ride the roller coaster of fun called Summertime at Murraywood.  Here’s a quick peek at upcoming social events at the ‘Wood:

IMG_1865Wednesday, June 3, 2014 – Spirit Day at Moe’s! Mention Murraywood and our Swim Team will receive 10% of the day’s non-alcohol sales!

Friday, June 6, 2014 – the Pool opens at noon for the summer!

Little MermaidSaturday, June 7, 2014 – Movie Night in the Pool featuring Disney’s The Little Mermaid. Bring your noodles and floats and watch the big screen right from the pool!

Monday, June 9, 2014 – Summer Jr. Tennis Clinics start.  Click here for more information!

Chick Fil AMonday, June 9, 2014 – Swim Team B Meet and Time Trials.  The Pool will close at 4:00 p.m.!

Thursday, June 12, 2014 – Away A Meet at Country Club of Lexington.  Go, Sharks!

BuncoThursday, June 12, 2014 – Bunco Night in the Clubhouse. Admission is $10 (cash). Rsvp to Katherine Keckeisen at 622-4530 or KwKeckeisen@aol.com

Friday, June 13, 2014 – Trivia Night at the Pool.  $5 admission.  Beer provided.Trivia Night