Pool Sponsorships

Calling All Families and Businesses!
Show Your Support of Murraywood!

Murraywood families and local businesses can show their support of the Murraywood Pool this summer!

Businesses can enjoy great visibility by advertising at Murraywood Swim & Racquet Club. Your sponsorship banner will fly from May 1 (when swim team starts) through Labor Day Monday, ensuring significant exposure over the summer! Our membership typically includes 350 to 400 families each year, with over 100 families using the pool daily. We have one of the largest summer league swim teams in the area, averaging 170-180 swimmers from over 100 families. With five home meets every summer, the visibility of your banner DOUBLES when we host other Columbia teams!


Families and friends can support the pool too! Display your name proudly on our 50th Year Anniversary T-Shirt!

Business Sponsorship

  • 6’ x 3’ vinyl outdoor banner prominently displayed adjacent to the pool for the three-month summer pool season.
  • Logo placement on back of our 50th Anniversary t-shirt that will be sold to membership and serve as staff t-shirt for lifeguards – provides summer-long business exposure.
  • A one-year listing in our online Business Directory: https://murraywoodswimandracquetclub.org/member-business-directory/.
  • A one-year rotating ad on all pages of our website: https://murraywoodswimandracquetclub.org/.
  • Email introductory blast to our 400-family membership (all local to the Columbia, SC area).
  •  Social media blast on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
  • Four pool guest passes good for one full day at the pool.
  • Complimentary 50th Anniversary t-shirt.

Family and Friends Sponsorship

  • Donor name on 50th Anniversary T-Shirt available for sale and serving as staff t-shirt for lifeguards. Complimentary 50th Anniversary t-shirt.

Sponsorship Costs

  • $350 if Murraywood Swim & Racquet Club provides the banner.
  • $275 if sponsor provides banner. Murraywood Swim & Racquet Club must approve all sponsor-provided banners.
  • $50 for Family & Friends Sponsorship.

Remember, only 8 Business Sponsorships with banner are available and will be sold on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Your sponsorship will include one free 50th Anniversary T-Shirt! Youth and Adult sizes available. Please select T-Shirt size!