Swim Team Registration

Welcome to the registration page for the Murraywood Sharks! The swim team is open to swimmers aged 4 to 18. First year swimmers who are 8 years of age and under will be required to pass a swim test before joining the team. See below for more information.

April 1, 2025: Registration opens
Monday, May 5, 2025: Swim tests; Meet and Greet the Coaches; swim suit try-on
Tuesday, May 6, 2025: First day of afternoon practice
Monday, June 2, 2025: First day of morning practice
June 28 and 29, 2025: City Meet
Monday, June 30, 2025: Banquet

COSTS: (payment made after May 19th will include a late fee of $50 per family)
Member Costs: 1st child, $75; 2nd child, $70; each additional child, $65
Non-Member Costs: $185 per child
Pool Family Membership: $425 if paid cash or check; $440 if paid by credit card.
Facility Family Membership: $785 if paid cash or check; $810 if paid by credit card.
(You may pay for membership and swim registration on the same form below).

A swim test will be mandatory for all 8 and under swimmers who are first year MW swimmers. Swim test will be held on Monday, May 5th at 4:30 p.m., and 5:30 p.m.

Medical Emergency Form

In the event my child or children (named above) should need emergency medical treatment and I an unable to be contacted, I hereby give my permission for such emergency treatment deemed medically necessary to be administered and further understand that any bills incurred for this treatment will be my responsibility.